How does evaluation and impact measurement affect voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises? Does it benefit their users, increase their legitimacy or fundamentally change the way they work?
With limited budgets and staff, churches and community projects rely heavily on volunteers but…
Are organisations really looking after and listening to them? Do organisations make the most of each volunteer's potential?
Redbridge Faith Forum would like to warmly invite you and your friends and colleagues to the ninth in the series of Women’s Interfaith Workshops that they have been holding in Redbridge over the last two years.
Islington Forum of Faiths (IFF) was established as a multifaith community partnership seeking to support local community development and the delivery of services. It is formed of a number of faith based organisations. The Forum is able to employ a part time staff member and this greatly increases the work that it is able to achieve.
Why do some Christian community projects sometimes lose their faith?
Does receiving secular funding always dilute spiritual purposes?
Are there community projects that have kept the flame burning?