Peace Conference and On-going Peace Work

At the recent Peace Conference we organised with London Peace Network and Cordoba Foundation there was a demonstrable enthusiasm for continued practical work on peace-building activities.

At the recent Peace Conference we organised with London Peace Network and Cordoba Foundation there was a demonstrable enthusiasm for continued practical work on peace-building activities, whether focused on issues close to home like domestic violence or gangs on our streets; or the global civil and military conflicts that continue to hit our news screens. Look here for a short video of the conference. A summary report will be published very soon and we will be announcing the next steps for this project as soon as we are able.
In the meantime readers may be interested in the following:
The Week of Prayer for World Peace which takes place this on 12th-19th October. This year there will be an inter faith gathering on Sunday 19th October.
On Monday 20th October Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks will deliver a lecture at Kings College London on “Confronting Violence in the Name of God”. Entrance is free but booking is essential.