Organisational Development Resources

Beginnings and endings … Resources for growth and restructure - including is it time to close your organisation down?
Rick James has written a useful series of blogs on aspects of capacity building (a term that, we know, can generate strong reactions). This time he asks us to consider the wisdom of closing an organisation down when it has reached the end of its natural life. This article by a young social entrepreneur Anne Desrosiers looks at the other end of the cycle – beginnings – and the importance of focusing on allies as well as ideas.
Social Enterprise governance. An interesting conversation is under way on the Community Interest Companies Association forum on the proposal for a new framework for governance for CICs. And, just in case you need reminding, here is a handy list of the various forms of structure you might be considering when setting up a new social enterprise.
What do we say at meetings that might irritate others?… these comments might ring a bell with you – or on the other read down to the comments section to see how others critique this list. Whatever your take on this, we could probably all do with being more self aware about the impact we have on others.