13 - Working together in partnership

Checklist for good practice in partnership

1 Everyone has something to gain – it’s a ‘win-win’ situation

  • all stakeholders know what they stand to gain by their participation
  • this is clearly stated and written
  • there is a ‘mission’ that is supported by all partners and translated into aims.

2 There are clear outcomes – a shared goal

  • all partners have an agreed, shared understanding of the anticipated results/effect of the work the partnership is undertaking the objectives have measurable benefits.

3 A lead agency is agreed – for specific times and tasks

  • all partners agree who leads; there may be different leaders for different tasks/times.

4 There is agreement and clarity about who is funding which parts of the work

5 An information strategy is in place – a plan to communicate

For this to be effective you will need to:
  • agree how partners/stakeholders will be informed
  • know who else should be informed
  • establish mailing lists of partners, stakeholders and others who need specific information
  • agree how decisions will be shared
  • provide information in plain, appropriate language.

6 Adapt to change

  • remember, the needs you are meeting and the context in which you will be working will change. Be alert to this and flexible enough to adapt.

7 Regular management meetings and meetings with other stakeholders

  • this is essential to make sure that there is proper accountability for decisions and feedback from the work that you do.

8 Monitor the work that is done and have the whole partnership evaluate progress

  • do this at planned intervals that are suitable to the work you are doing.
  • if you do it too frequently it will become draining and be a bore. If you leave it too long, things might be going wrong without you knowing. As a rule most organisations evaluate annually.