
Cuts leave charities fearing closure within a year

says National Children’s Bureau report

Interfaith marriage research ...

  Faith Matters request for input on interfaith marriage from couples who are of different faiths

International Women's Day - Join me on the Bridge campaign

Thu 8th Mar
Back again, this year's 'Join me on the Bridge' campaign  links women around the world in creative ways on International Women's Day to make a powerful statement for peace and women's equality. Faith communities took part last year and FbRN is happy to promote it again. Intrigued by the title? Look at their website for clues.

WOMEN’S INTERFAITH EVENING: A Redbridge Faith Forum Event

Tue 19th Jul
The tenth in the series of RFF's  Women’s Interfaith Workshops

The Centre, Newlyn

at the heart of the community, with the community at its heart

Daughters of Eve: Muslim Women Critically Thinking the Past, Present and Future (Bradford)

Fri 6th May - Sun 8th May
The two day national residential conference, which has been organised in partnership with the BMWC (Bradford Muslim Women’s Council and ISB (Islamic Society of Britain) is the first of its kind in Bradford.  
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