FCDL is the UK wide membership networking organisation that supports community development through advancing and promoting good quality Community Development learning and practice at local, regional and national levels.
The Educational Centres Association is a practice-based organisation concerned with adult education and lifelong learning. Its work in the arts and cultural sectors complements the role of its constituent institutions and organisations.
Action with Communities in Rural England is the national umbrella of the Rural Community Action Network (RCAN), which operates at national, regional and local level in support of rural communities across the country.
Together for Regeneration (TfR) is an organisation that offers free support within South Yorkshire to those in the community and voluntary sector. It does this by enabling individuals and groups to develop their capacity.
Founded in 1919, NCVO is the largest umbrella body for the voluntary and community sector in England with sister councils in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Institute of Fundraising is the professional body that represents fundraisers in the UK. Its mission is to support fundraisers, through leadership, representation, standard-setting and education, to deliver excellent fundraising.