Urban Forum is an umbrella body for community and voluntary groups with interests in urban and regional policy, especially regeneration. It seeks to provide a strong voluntary sector voice on urban and regional policy and the promotion of sustainable regeneration initiatives.
Novas Scarman (NSG) is a social enterprise with charitable status that works locally throughout England and Wales to create fresh opportunities for disadvantaged individuals and communities.
Action with Communities in Rural England is the national umbrella of the Rural Community Action Network (RCAN), which operates at national, regional and local level in support of rural communities across the country.
Together for Regeneration (TfR) is an organisation that offers free support within South Yorkshire to those in the community and voluntary sector. It does this by enabling individuals and groups to develop their capacity.
The Faiths4Change project uses faith communities' infrastructures, such as their volunteers and buildings in the heart of deprived communities to deliver the environmental agenda to hard to reach groups.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.