
MYH Sponsored 1K Toddle with Trees4Life Campaign in Hyde Park London

Sun 26th Jun
Toddle hyde park
The Muslim Youth Helpline (MYH) and Trees4Life Campaign (T4L) have joined together to hold a Sponsored Toddle/Walk for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old

Developing sustainable work with young people: London

Sat 21st May
A unique one day Master Class for Youth Pastors and Church Youth Leaders

Practical Impact: CUF Annual Conference

Wed 6th Apr
Practical Impact is Church Urban Fund's annual national conference for churches and activists tackling poverty in their communities.    

Faith Together in Leeds 11

A team of staff and volunteers provide a range of services for the local community that are sensitive to the cultural backgrounds of the people involved

Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara Derby

(Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara is taking part in FbRN’s Faith Organisations becoming VISIBLE Programme.)

Our Faiths and Our Shared Futures: at MFC Derby

Tue 22nd Mar
Faith Matters and Derby Community Safety Partnership invite you to the launch of 'Our Faiths and Our Shared Futures'
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