South East


Sat 12th Jul
Hayes, Middlesex
The event will invite people of different faiths to give insight on what approaches they take in tackling poverty followed by  a discussion at the end will focus on what can be done together, what can be networked and what can be learnt from each other. 

The Big Event 2014

Tue 8th Jul
The Big Event is the largest annual voluntary sector gathering in East Sussex and 2014 marks the sixth year that it has taken place. 

Talk - 'Interfaith - A Jewish Perspective'

Thu 24th Apr
Rabbi Charles Wallach has served as Rabbi in South Africa, England, Australia, Israel and the United States for almost 40 years. He is Past Chairman of Rabbinic Councils in South Africa and Great Britain. He is a TV presenter, broadcaster and author/editor of a book on the Holocaust.

'Interfaith Dialogue– Future and Current State: a Hindu Perspective.'

Fri 21st Mar
Jay Lakhani offers Hindu input towards Postgraduate studies at several British Universities and is the first Hindu tutor appointed by Eton College. Jay publishes books on Hinduism and is a Media Speaker (BBC/ SKY), also director of Education – Hindu Council UK / Hindu Academy.

Watford Celebration

Mon 5th May
An annual colourful festival which offers the people of Watford the opportunity to learn about the rich diversity of their town.

Free training for small charities - 26-27th March

Wed 26th Mar - Thu 27th Mar
The FSI are offering two days of fully funded training for small charities in Cambridge. Training sessions cover a wide range of fundraising techniques and back office skills delivered by experienced and knowledgeable trainers.  

Fundraising Camp

Mon 24th Mar
Bognor Regis
A one day un-conference on developing fundraising skills

INTERFAITH Volunteers with National Citizen Service programme, Redbidge



‘I believe that every young person should have the opportunity to spend time mixing with others from
different backgrounds, developing new skills that will stretch and challenge them, and learning about the importance of being active in their communities.’
Prime Minister David Cameron
JLGB are the lead provider of the government’s National Citizen Service programme in Redbridge for 150 16 year olds from across the borough this summer. National Citizen Service is a fun, challenging programme which will help participants to learn new skills and build their confidence.

National Citizen Service includes fun and challenging activities, away-from-home residential experiences and a self-designed social action project. It aims to promote a more cohesive, responsible and engaged society by bringing young people from very different backgrounds together to make a difference in their communities.

JLGB are hoping to engage participants from all faiths and cultural backgrounds, and as such hope to attract a diverse team of volunteers. 
The NCS programme is a three week programme, two weeks of which will be residential and the third of which will be based in Redbridge, plus a flexible 30 hours volunteering period which is essential for completion of a young person’s NCS. We need help from enthusiastic volunteers to make this exciting project happen! 
We are looking for up to 80 volunteers:
- Up to 20 Team Volunteers for each week of this three week programme, whose duties include supporting the Team Leader in running activities and leading guided discussions, and helping members to problem solve, bond with team members, and develop ideas for and plan their own social action project.
Volunteers can choose to do either one, two or three weeks (they get weekends off!).
- Professionals or keen amateurs needed to run sessions during 19th – 23rd August only, a 1 week residential based in Redbridge, to help young people to learn new skills.
We would like volunteers who could stay for all 5 days and run different workshops each day or people who can offer one day’s tuition for young people in the following areas: Sports and sports coaching; media, film and journalism; cookery; ‘green’ issues and environmental social action; photography.
- Up to 10 volunteers to act as Support Staff for each of the three weeks ; willing to help set up and tidy up after daily activities, occasionally help team leaders where needed, and organise and set up evening entertainments, mealtimes etc.
The dates for the three weeks are:
13th-17th August – Residential based in Colchester – Sports and outdoors activities
19th-23rd August – Residential based in Redbridge – Skills workshops
27th-31st August – Redbridge based, working from a local school – designing social action projects
All reasonable expenses are paid and travel to and from residential weeks is covered. Food and lodgings are provided during residential stays. If volunteering during the third week, it would be easier for volunteers to be based/ staying in Redbridge/East London.
To apply to be a volunteer or to discuss how we can organise a volunteering opportunity to suit you,
please contact the NCS team:
Telephone: 020 8989 5743 Fax: 020 8530 3327
E-Mail: Website:

Faith in Queen's Park

Faith in Queens Park projects
Faith in Queen Park - projects for all ages
'Faith in Queens Park' All Saints Bedford Christian and multi faith work.

Faith Fest 2011 Launch Event: and related events during the week in Bedford

Mon 7th Mar
Over 600 school children from Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire will enjoy an interactive exhibition of the beliefs and practices of Bedford’s major religions at Faith Fest 2011 thanks to the efforts of Bedford Council of Faiths in collaboration with SACRE .
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