Inter Faith and Faith Group survey 2008
The Local Government Association Analysis and Research team, in partnership with the Inter Faith Network, conducted a survey of local authorities to look at how they are working with faith groups and inter faith organisations in their area and at what sort of additional guidance they think might be helpful for this work. The survey also prompted respondents to highlight examples of good practice and to flag up particular challenges.
Key Findings:
- found just over half (55 per cent) of councils have been involved in some way in helping to set up a local inter faith organisation
- most (83 per cent) had become involved in other ways
- one in three councils (35 per cent) provided grants to support the work of inter faith organisations
- three quarters (76 per cent) consulted with local inter faith organisations, particularly on issues which could affect community cohesion and equality and priorities for Local Area Agreements
- one in three councils (33 per cent) provided specific training for staff and members on working with faith groups and local inter faith structures