Mosaic Community Trust

mosaic community trust

The Mosaic Community Trust is a registered charity established in 2005 to promote community cohesion and religious harmony by increasing mutual understanding, respect and trust amongst people of different faiths and beliefs.  Members of the Mosaic Community Trust come from a wide variety of backgrounds including Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Jain and Zoroastrian faiths.
The Trust recognises that whilst there are both similarities and differences between people of varying faiths, friendship and communication enables us to enrich our knowledge and understanding whilst maintaining our individuality.

The Mosaic Community Trust carries out projects that facilitate inter-faith dialogue and action by bringing local religious leaders together to address community based issues.
The objective of the projects is to reduce and prevent religious based tensions, violence, fear and prejudice by increasing knowledge and understanding of other faiths, thus learning to respect, trust and love each other.

Beneficiaries of the service include the following groups:

  • Disadvantaged communities who are often the victims of isolation, religious based prejudice and violence, suspicion, fear and hatred.
  • Wider communities, who would benefit from an increased awareness of different religions and cultures.
  • Locally based religious leaders who can influence their congregants through a increased understanding of other faiths and cultures.

Examples of  current and past projects run by the Mosaic Community Trust include:

  • An interfaith mentoring service for Muslim mothers of children at Quintin Kynaston in Westminster.  As a result of their non-English background, many of these mothers need help engaging in their children’s educational lives and workshops run by the Trust will give them the tools to do this.  It is also hoped that they will pass on their learning to others within their families and community, thus contributing to overall social cohesion. 
  • A week-long interfaith theatre workshop for young people in Westbourne who used topics relevant to interfaith communities to create a portfolio of 15 short sketches which were then performed for an audience of over 70 people.  The response from the students was very positive and they reported being able to get along and integrate with each other regardless of gender, age or ethnicity. 


project started: 

The Mosaic Community Trust
61A Warwick Avenue
London W9 2PR

+44 (0) 207 289 1170