Faiths 4 Change

Faiths4Change - People in partnership working for the social economic & spiritual transformation of local environments
World religions share common ground in their values & commitments to caring for the earth and communities.  Faith communities are often historically rooted in local neighbourhoods.  They have considerable resources of land, buildings, people (volunteers and paid staff)), expertise and relationships.  Most faith communities use their resources to provide services to all members of the community. 

Local residents often care passionately for their community and want it to flourish.  Residents ensure their neighbourhood thrives and that local people are part of solutions working alongside partners such as Local Authorities and voluntary sector groups.

Faiths4Change supports faith communities from across the North West to enable their members and other local residents to work together, supported by partners from all sectors.  Turning their ideas into small scale environmental projects, local people transform their neighbourhoods together, build relationships and gain or develop skills.

Our Team of six includes a Director, Administrator and four Project Officers.  Project Officers offer one to one support and advice to faith communities on the interlinked issues of sustainability, caring for the earth and social justice.

We offer free responsive training to residents of all religious faiths and none, often in partnership with one or more faith communities.  Our vocational training sessions include project planning, sustainability audits of faith community buildings as well as responsive ones such as Bee Happy – raising awareness about Honey Bees.

In addition, we have a Development Fund which faith communities can apply to.  The Fund enables them to develop environmental transformation projects in partnership with other local residents and organizations.  

Ultimately, Faiths4Change aims to enable residents to take an active role in shaping their communities for the better in England’s North West, building sustainable relationships and environments in our diverse rich inner cities and towns. 

Annie Merry,

Director, Faiths4Change

contact person: 
Annie Merry - project director

Ground Floor
St James' House
20 St James Road
Liverpool L1 7BY

0151 705 2111