Faith in Social Action event - Tuesday 24th May
Draft programme - subject to revision
Faith in Social Action: Where Next?
A day conference for faith based practitioners, third sector leaders, researchers and policy makers
University of Westminster
24th May 2016
10.30 Refreshments and registration
11.00 Belief in Social Action: Key findings and debates:
Heather Buckingham and Steve Miller
11.20 Responses by grassroots faith activists, and plenary discussion
11.45 MORNING DISCUSSION GROUPS – mainly focused on issues faced by “front-
line” local groups:
· responding to welfare reform/austerity,
· issues of capacity in faith groups,
· the changing face of multi-faith working,
· conflicted faith - helping those in need vs speaking out
· other topics according to participants' interests
12.45 Reflective keynote: faith based social action in the context of the wider
religion and belief landscape
Professor Adam Dinham
1.00 Lunch & market-place
1.45 From reactive to pro-active: faith based social action in a wider context:
Angus McCabe
2.00 AFTERNOON DISCUSSION GROUPS – mainly focused on national and
strategic issues
All groups will have the chance to discuss all issues including:
· How do we build effective local, regional and national networks
· What are the key issues or areas of work for the faiths sector?
· What are our learning and development needs?
· How do we build strategic voice and influence?
3.00 Summary - pulling together the themes
3.30 Close
Rooms will be available for further networking until at least 4.30pm.