Bradford District Faiths Forum funding to cease
BDFF is currently being wound up as a company ...
This information is from Bradford District Faiths Forum please respond directly to them at the address at the foot of this article.
BDFF is currently being wound up as a company, but will continue as a voluntary organisation under the auspices of Liz Firth. It is hoped that some at least of the community and dialogue work will be able to continue. There will be more details on this as soon as possible.
However, there is no longer any funding. Julia Chantrell’s paid job will finish at the end of August, which means that the future of the website and the Ebulletin are in doubt.
The following options are currently available;
1. The Ebulletin ceases from the end of July; the website becomes ‘static’ i.e., the Places of Worship section will be marked ‘correct as of July 2012’, and will contain addresses of the places of worship only. There will be no Diary or News section, and no facility for contacting BDFF through the website.
2. We ask for someone who can volunteer to take over the maintenance of the website and publishing of the Ebulletin. It is estimated that this takes between 3 and 5 hours a week for the Ebulletin and website ONLY – this would not include maintenance of the various databases INCLUDING the Places of Worship section, answering queries etc. To maintain the status quo would take around 10 hours a week minimum. Possibly one of partner organisations could take this on?
3. We ask for subscriptions from people who find the website and Ebulletin invaluable. To continue with the current setup would take around £400pcm; for the limited maintenance and Ebulletin role as above around £200pcm.
4. Something else entirely – any suggestions?
We’d really like your feedback on this as soon as possible so that we can make the appropriate arrangements for BDFF.
Please send your response to:
Julia Chantrell, Administrator
A: BDFF PO Box 372, Leeds LS19 9HG