Pakistani Youth Forum (Huddersfield) has put together where Young British, Pakistani Muslims talk about their identity, challenges and concerns. They feel caught between two identities, misunderstood and misplaced. The video captures their feelings and thoughts of others about themselves and their community.
The Muslim College is a post-graduate Islamic seminary based in West London that is geared towards engagement with wider society by providing comprehensive studies of Islam to its students and visitors. It offers theoretical understandings and enlightening experiences of the workings and challenges faced by all faith communities living in a modern secular society.
The initials SMWA stand for Southwark Muslim Women's Association but don't let that put you off if your'e male! Although SMWA was originally formed to provide a safe environment for Muslim Women, that was thirty years ago, and we've come a long way since then. Boys and men are very welcome to use the centre, although women are still our main focus.
Over the last 25 years, the organisation has been working to achieve its mission of promoting a 'positive British Muslim identity by promoting societal change and personal growth'
This website is a complementary and useful resource to the Faith Matters guidance document on ‘the role of chaplains in public institutions: experiences from Muslim communities’