Muslim Trustee for FbRN

We are seeking a Muslim Trustee who understands the nature of FbRN's mission to enable and facilitate the active participation of faith based organisations in community development, regeneration and social action and to build their capacity to engage in civil society. 

The practice of FbRN is to recruit trustees from nine faith traditions (Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Zoroastrian).  A Muslim trustee will need to be able to show an understanding of faith-based social action and have good working links with varying Muslim traditions and social action projects.

For more details please read attached documents below.

Voluntary. Travel expenses reimbursed.
Can be based anywhere. Quarterly meetings in London.
who to contact: 
Chair of the Trustees, Barney Leith:
how to apply: 
If you are interested in applying for this role please send a CV and a short letter (maximum 600 words) explaining why you think you would be able to fulfill this role effectively to: Deadline Friday 5th April