'The Way to a Bigger Society' Conference: Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby

22 Feb 2011 - 10:30am - 5:00pm

This conference explores the findings from four cutting edge priority areas, including: faith-based volunteering, new forms of volunteering involvement, overcoming barriers to volunteering and skills-based employer supported volunteering.

Delegate fees have early bird discounts of £45 (extended to January 18th) £60 thereafter (including lunch, refreshments and an electronic resource pack).
Full conference details and booking information are available at: www.volunteering.org.uk/VEevents 

how to book: 
See their website
The Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby
£60 unless booked before 18th January 2011, £45 if you book before that
who to contact: 
The Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby
Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB
01332 591285