Locality Annual Convention - 12-13 November, Leicester

Our friends at Locality are holding their annual convention in Leicester in November. This promises to be one of the the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector's biggest and best events of 2013.
This major Locality event is billed as aiming for a vision for "communities where people can feel a sense of pride and ownership". As Locality make clear though, "whether driven by spending cuts, changing demography, increasing demand, advancing technology, or by aspiration for better public services, there is widespread recognition that things simply can’t continue as they are. So what does the future hold? Is there a better way?"
Speakers at the event include Nick Hurd MP, Minister for Civil Society; Mary O’Hara, the Guardian; Rob Berkeley, Runnymede Trust; Ed Cox, IPPR; Duncan Sloan, Royal Bank of Scotland Group and many more.