Faith and Policy: Where Next for Religion in the Public Sphere?

1 Jul 2010 - 9:30am - 5:00pm

AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme with Faiths and Civil Society Unit, Goldsmith's

This one-day conference explores the rapidly changing relations of faith and policy.
It asks 'where next?' for the policy rhetorics of the last decade - community, cohesion, and social capital; prevention of violent extremism/'radicalisation'; the 'sectoralisation' and 'mainstreaming' of
faith-based work.

The participatory format will be structured around lively debates between leading speakers representing different points of view, followed by facilitated debate from the floor.

The focus will be on the UK, though comparative international perspectives are welcomed. Selected papers and podcasts will be available through the Religion and Society Programme website

The registration fee, which covers tea, coffee and lunch by Peyton Catering, is £25 waged and £10 unwaged. The conference is subsidised by the Religion and Society Programme.

Programme for the day attached below [9.30 to register conference 10am to 5pm]

how to book: 
To register go to the event website
The British Library
96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB
a day
£25 waged and £10 unwaged.
organised by: 
AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme with Faiths and Civil Society Unit, Goldsmith's