Engaging the Hard-to-Reach: A Consultation Institute Seminar

23 Mar 2010 - 9:30am - 4:00pm

Making public consultations accessible to everyone is a huge challenge!

More often than not, Local Authorities and public bodies - and even the Voluntary Sector, find themselves talking to the same “usual suspects” and the public debate fails to reach all the voices that need to be heard.

Many of these groups are typically called hard-to-reach - though in truth a better label would be the seldom-heard  or even failed-to-reach!  Getting to grips with this issue is an absolutely essential priority for those engaged in community involvement of every kind. 

On 23rd March, at Avonmouth House, London, SE1, the Consultation Institute has gathered a range of experts in significant aspects of this field. The Institute belives that these experts will provide exciting and inspirational ideas and innovations for you to take back to your organisations for practical application. 

As well as listening to the experts you will also have the opportunity to discuss the topics in roundtable discussions allowing you to discuss compare notes and exchange best practice with others in these fields. 

The programme for the day is as follows 

09.30               Registration & Coffee

10.00               Welcome & Introduction - Rhion Jones, Programme Director, Consultation Institute

                    KEY NOTE Speaker: Promoting the Voice of the Hard-to-Reach   TBA

 Reaching groups below the radar: Dr Andri Soteri-Proctor, Research Fellow, Third   Sector Research Centre

Engaging Faith groups: challenging and sensitive issues:Nicholas Duffin, Founder, Islamic Understanding for the West

Morning Roundtable Discussions:An opportunity for participants to exchange views on the issues discussed in the morning sessions.
                   Case Studies

1. Engaging young mental health sufferers through theatre: Mental Health Promotion Team, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Providing a voice for Britain’s minority ethnic voluntary and community sector:
Dr Zelalem Kebede, Regional Director for London & Southeast, CEMVO

Reaching London’s most deprived areas: successes in promoting health and well-being:Injury Inequality Reduction Scheme, Transport for London, London Road Safety Unit


16.00               Seminar close

how to book: 
You can go to their website or contact martin@consultationinstitute.org
Avonmouth House, London
one day
The cost of the seminar is £199 + vat for Members (& voluntary organisations) or £275 + vat for non-members.
organised by: 
The Consultation Institute
who to contact: 
02032 867 910