‘Crossing the Threshold’; A Community Development Approach to the Use of Church Buildings

19 Nov 2009 (All day)

 a one day event in Hereford on 19th November 2009


 This is the first in the national ‘Crossing the Threshold’ programme, a series of events aimed at helping dioceses and parishes get the best from their buildings for wider community use.

The programme marks the fifth anniversary of the launch of the Church of England’s national strategy document, Building Faith in Our Future, and will share experiences from around the dioceses, and from experts within and outside the Church. 


  • Find out how to build partnerships with local and regional bodies.
  • Update on ‘Building Faith in our Future ' 5 years on
  • Be present for the launch of the DVD and Toolkit,
    produced in partnership with Herefordshire Council
    and Shropshire RCC.. 

A community development approach to the use of Church Buildings with: Susan Rowe - Sue Rowe Associates, 
Diana Evans - English Heritage and David Rayner - Department for Communities and Local Government


how to book: 
see attached documentation
The Point4
Royal National College, Hereford
a day
organised by: 
Hereford Diocese
who to contact: 