young people

Poverty & Homelessness Action Week 2011

Sat 29th Jan - Sun 6th Feb
Raise your voice and make sure everyone is counted!

Mosaic Community Trust

mosaic community trust
The Mosaic Community Trust is a registered charity established to promote community cohesion and religious harmony by increasing mutual understanding, respect and trust amongst people of different faiths and beliefs.


SPACE making space for life: a community centre set up in Welwyn Garden City by YMCA Central Herts

Guru Ram Das Project

The Guru Ram Das Project helps the community through delivering a range of holistic services to those in need.

Black Boys Can

The National Black Boys Can Association
Raising the academic and social aspirations and achievements of Black boys

DoorWays Project Saltburn

Doorways Project, Saltburn
Doorways Saltburn - "Working with young people in Saltburn"

United Sikhs

United Sikhs mission is 'to transform underprivileged and minority communities and individuals into informed and vibrant members of society through civic, educational and personal development programs, by fostering active participation in social and economic activity.'
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