Recommended Buddhist-related educational audio-visual resources for young people and schools, and for anyone who has ever wanted to ask a Buddhist a provocative question about life, death, beliefs and practice.
Faith in the City is a free interfaith art exhibition, open to all, and part of the Urban Dialogue initiative, co-ordinated by the Three Faiths Forum. It runs 22 November - 4 December and is accompanied by supporting events - A Festival Night (24th Nov); Family Day (27th November) and Womens Day (1st December).
The exhibition, open daily 12 noon-4pm, is at the RED Gallery, 3 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3DT. See the website for information:
The aims of Inter Faith Week are:
Strengthening good inter faith relations at all levels
Increasing awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the Uk, in particular celebrating and building on the contribution which their members make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society.
increasing understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs
For one week surrounding United Nations Day every October, people of different faiths and backgrounds come together to celebrate each other's cultures to challenge global injustice. People are united by the shared belief that when we understand each other's perspectives, our lives can be transformed and enriched.
One World Week Online is a rich resource of information including faith-based social action material. See