

Wed 16th Mar
This half-day seminar forms the final element of 'Women, Worship and Space',a Women's Design Service project funded by the Faiths in Action strand of the Department of Communities & Local Government.

Global Poverty Awareness - Connect, Challenge, Change: MFC at Uni of Derby

Tue 1st Mar
Tue 8th Mar
Tue 15th Mar
A series of interactive workshops that focus on poverty in three different continents.

Care Matters Across the Faiths: Multi Faith Conference exploring the relationship between faith and social care.(Tower Hamlets)

Wed 16th Mar
a rare opportunity to explore the relationship between faiths and social care

Faith, Hope & Love - Christian Witness in a Multi Faith Society: Birmingham

Sat 9th Apr
an exciting conference organised by an alliance of Christian Churches in Birmingham and Churches Together in England that hopes to tackle the often difficult but also exciting question of what it means to be a Christian disciple in a multi faith world.  

Focus on Faith & Gender: Is feminism too radical for modern Britain or a relic from the past? Uni of Huddersfield

Tue 15th Mar
In celebration of International Women’s Month, Kirklees Faiths Forum's next Focus on Faith event will ask:

Public Meeting: Bradford’s response to the English Defence League

Mon 28th Feb
Has Bradford overcome the legacy of the 2001 riots?

Impact of Evaluation in the Third Sector: TSRC event, London

Tue 5th Apr
How does evaluation and impact measurement affect voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises? Does it benefit their users, increase their legitimacy or fundamentally change the way they work?

'The Heart of Wellbeing' National Annual Women's Inter Faith Seminar to be held in Glasgow ...

Sun 27th Mar
All women are invited to this National Annual Women's Inter Faith Seminar which will take place on Sunday 27th March from 12.30- 5pm in Glasgow.  

Faith Fest 2011 Launch Event: and related events during the week in Bedford

Mon 7th Mar
Over 600 school children from Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire will enjoy an interactive exhibition of the beliefs and practices of Bedford’s major religions at Faith Fest 2011 thanks to the efforts of Bedford Council of Faiths in collaboration with SACRE .
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