
Training event - Warmer Homes, Lower Bills and a Greener and Healthier London

Tue 25th Feb
Energy issues remain central to our society. From rising fuel bills and fuel poverty to concerns about extreme weather and climate change, how we use energy has major impacts. Research clearly shows how saving energy in our homes and workplaces can have significant health benefits as well as saving money.

Fairtrade Fortnight - 24th February – 9th March 2014.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.At http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/resources/default.aspx you can find a Churches Action Guide, Islam and Fairtrade and Jewish Action Guide, plus lots of other helpful materials. Each of us is a consumer – we can all help make a difference.  

Free trees for school, community and youth groups

The Woodland Trust have 4000 free tree packs to give away to school, community and youth groups this autumn 2013.

Overcoming Islamophobia Training Workshop: Derby

Wed 23rd May
Wed 20th Jun
Thu 26th Jul
 FREE Training Workshop for Community, Public and Voluntary Sector Organisation members!

Treasure in the Field: Spiritual Capital and Sustainable Living

Sat 10th Mar
Marking the 30th anniversary of Christian Ecology Link (CEL), the keynote speakers are Jonathon Porritt, Founder of Forum for the Future and Tim Gorringe, Professor of Theology at Exeter University. See CEL website for more details of this Bristol based conference. Only £15 for non-CEL members (or £10 before end of January) www.christian-ecology.org.uk

MYH Sponsored 1K Toddle with Trees4Life Campaign in Hyde Park London

Sun 26th Jun
Toddle hyde park
The Muslim Youth Helpline (MYH) and Trees4Life Campaign (T4L) have joined together to hold a Sponsored Toddle/Walk for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old


Sun 3rd Jul - Sat 9th Jul
Limited Spaces – Book now to reserve your place

ASHA Centre

The ASHA Centre
ASHA Centre garden
The mission of the ASHA Centre is to promote peaceful co-operation between people of different religions and cultures.
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