
Faith, Hope & Love - Christian Witness in a Multi Faith Society: Birmingham

Sat 9th Apr
an exciting conference organised by an alliance of Christian Churches in Birmingham and Churches Together in England that hopes to tackle the often difficult but also exciting question of what it means to be a Christian disciple in a multi faith world.  

Impact of Evaluation in the Third Sector: TSRC event, London

Tue 5th Apr
How does evaluation and impact measurement affect voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises? Does it benefit their users, increase their legitimacy or fundamentally change the way they work?

Faith Fest 2011 Launch Event: and related events during the week in Bedford

Mon 7th Mar
Over 600 school children from Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire will enjoy an interactive exhibition of the beliefs and practices of Bedford’s major religions at Faith Fest 2011 thanks to the efforts of Bedford Council of Faiths in collaboration with SACRE .

Writing better funding applications : Manchester

Fri 11th Mar
Free fundraising training for BAME and Faith-based organisations

Race Matters: an event in Keighley for young people

Sat 19th Feb
Race Matters
This event is a space for young people from all backgrounds and across the Keighley Constituency to come together and explore their perceptions of race relations in Keighley using fun and exciting workshops.  

Understanding Islam: A Clear and Concise Introduction to the Faith - North Wales

Fri 4th Feb - Sun 6th Feb
Gladstone's Library (the only residential theology library in the UK) invites you to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week 2011 with us in North Wales. From 4th-6th February we are proud to host a weekend of workshops on 'Understanding Islam' led by Dr Chris Hewer, former adviser on interfaith relations to the Bishop of Birmingham.

'Safeguarding Children Briefing for Redbridge Faith Leaders'

Thu 24th Feb
This event is specifically for faith leaders and faith based group leaders, their representatives and key members responsible for safeguarding children.

Liverpool Community Spirit is providing Faith Diversity Training

Wed 26th Jan
Wed 2nd Feb
This course is rooted in Liverpool’s diverse faith community and has been upheld as a model of good practice both nationally (by inter-faith network UK) and inter-nationally (by Network for Inter-Cultural Learning)..

Understanding Islam: Plymouth

Tue 11th Jan
Thu 24th Feb
Fri 25th Mar
  FREE half day sessions open to all
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