With a theme of 'Doing the right thing' Locality's annual convention looks at how Community groups are in a stronger position than ever to create enterprising, vibrant places where people want to live. Attendees will get practical tips and a chance to meet others who are changing communities for the better.
London Boroughs Faiths Network includes community organisations which are involved in many different areas of interest and are developing new ways to encourage problem solving.
Thank you to all who took some time out of your hectic social action schedules to tell us what you’re working on and how we can help you. You’re very busy people doing very interesting things!
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.At http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/resources/default.aspx you can find a Churches Action Guide, Islam and Fairtrade and Jewish Action Guide, plus lots of other helpful materials. Each of us is a consumer – we can all help make a difference.
A new report published by DCLG, billed as 'a quick and simple guide to community rights', contains step-by-step help with a range of recent changes including neighbourhood planning and land reclamation.